Confluence is where two rivers intersect, and sometimes instead of entering as a, two water lines bring two different color forms the backdrop very different.
1. Rhone and Arve River – Hydroelectric
In the picture on the left is right is the river Rhona and Arve River. Arve river flows longer and go through a valley so more turbid water season. At the juncture of two rivers, One can see the difference between grinding water. Rhona river water and green more than opaque and milky white color of the river Arve.
2. Danube, Inn and Ilz – Virtue
river Inn (left side), River Danube in the middle and Ilz (little to the right)
Passau is a city located in the Lower Bavaria, Virtue, this place is called “city 3 River” because it is the confluence between the river Danube and the river Inn south north Ilz.
Ilz essentially a stream originating from the nearby mountains with dark green water, whereas Inn is a large river and through parts and quite opaque watercolor. When three of the same river, on the same stretch of the river, one can see 3 watercolor completely different.
3. Mosel and Rhine river – Virtue
City Koblenz Germany where the intersection of the two rivers Mosel and Rhine. The city's name in Latin means “confluence”. Mosel rivers with water color is dark green, when incorporated into the Rhine. Two watercolor scene on the same river is something that tourists can not miss when visiting the city of Koblenz.
4. Green River and Colorado River – Without, Noodle
Green River is located in the western United States and is the main branch of the river Colorado. Although smaller but Green bring more rich sediment as the water is red in contrast to opaque blue of the Colorado River. These rivers where the river makes a Grand.
5. Rio Negro and Rio Solimões River – Brazil
River water black Rio Negro Rio Solimões river was heavily sand, sediment should be yellow, when two rivers meet has created two special markings opposition on the same area. This particular scene lasted 6km and is one of the tourist attractions in the area most Manaus, Brazil.
6. Jialing River and Yangtze River – China
When two rivers Jialing and Yangtze confluence in the city of Chongqing while also creating a special setting. Yangtze river silt carrying heavy water should have bright red so when the Jialing rivers meet has created two red – Green isolated on the same flow.
7. Rio Uruguay and one of its tributaries – Argentina
Paragraph confluence of the Rio Uruguay and one of its branches in the province of Misiones, Argentina is also a street scenes “disharmony famous river”. Rio Uruguay river water dark red color due to the heavy rain washed the iron in soil and dumped into rivers.
8.Ohio River and Mississippi River – Noodle
Mississippi River is the largest river 4 and long stuff 10 on the world. The river carries more sediment at the Ohio River so there are blue-gray in the dark brown ohio river. When the Mississippi and Ohio confluence led to a prolonged stretch of the river at the same time there are two watercolors.