Just minutes away from the capital, Jakarta negligible but people's lives outskirts Indonesia country steeped seem happy. Routines no heed technological advances that they have the same life offers countless pleasures charm.
Photographer Indonesia Herman Damar was completely self tinkering photography techniques to capture the best moments from the daily lives of those around him. Views often appear in his paintings is the suburbs, away from the busy urban nip of Jakarta. There are moments of happiness in the simple and enchanting.
His photographs are taken with Canon 550D. To better understand each moment, Listen to the author's own shares in one frame.
“Indonesian people are very modest, they are very happy to share life through photographs with me.”
Children in simple games daily.
“I can be in direct contact with them, mixed with their happiness and capture all of your camera, that's great.”
Rural life associated with the fields and herds.
Outskirts of Jakarta seems last year's transformation of technological progress.
Life moments are often portrayed enchanting in every frame of Damar
“Indonesia is culturally rich with over a thousand beautiful islands, very friendly people” – Damar continued.
Damar spent a lot of time in days that blend into the rhythm of life to capture the most dramatic moments. People living in rural areas up very early so “to better understand the culture and the character himself pursued, The best time to shoot is about 7 hours – 9 am.
The photographs were taken in a very Damar Natural, but sometimes he also helped the character edit posture slightly.
Damar very clever use of language and color light in each photograph.
King peaceful life not sorrow.